Surprise your dog, every month!

Top trending toys and fun sent directly to your doorstep, for your furry best friend.

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  • Choose your dog size

    We have boxes for small, medium, and large size dogs.

  • Subscribe for monthly dog joy

    Sign up for monthly box deliveries!

  • Get ready to play

    Most boxes arrive within 5 days. Every month after, you'll get themed toys & lots of dog excitement.

  • Barky

    "Barky has loved every toy he's received. He gravitates towards the door every week around the delivery date and jumps for joy when he sees the Just Pets Box

  • Lilly

    "Lilly has been the happiest since her adoption getting her new toys every month!

  • Frank

    "Frank can't get enough of his Just Pets Toys! Best decision I've made for him!

What's in a Just Pets Box?

Only the highest quality items that will ensure your furry friend stays safe and happy!

2 toys per month and have your furry friend pampered with a set of new toys and treats! Never run out of fun!

Subscribe Now
  • Only $29.95 a month!

    Regardless of breed, size, pup or dog, our box is a flat $29.95 a month!


What comes in Just Pets Box?

Every month your furry friend will receive two toys!

What kind of toys are in Just Pets Box?

Toys in the Just Pets Box are fluffy, squeaky, and cuddly.

Is Just Pets Box approved for puppies and different dog breeds?

Yes, Just Pets Box offers hours of dog fun, regardless of your pup’s age, breed, or size.

How much does a Just Pets Box cost?

Prices for our boxes are a flat $29.95 regardless of dog size!

How can you cancel a Just Pets Box?

If your pup isn't happy with their Just Pets Box, we’ll work with you to make it right. We can also help if you need to skip, pause, or cancel your box.